Srimad-Bhagavatam describes the extraordinary pastimes Krishna performed in Vrindavan during his childhood. The Bhagavad Gita explains that Vrindavan on earth is a replica of Krishna’s everlasting presence in the spiritual world. And the Brahma-samhita says Krishna is eternally living in Vrindavan.

About Project

Aesthetically planned, with every apartment overlooking lush greens, an apartment at Krishnabhumi is much more than just four walls. The entire initiative stems from the idea of creating the possibility of existing in a state of perpetual union with Lord Krishna.  An opportunity to reside in a grand township that not only offers world-class living spaces, but is also immersed in love and devotion to Lord Krishna. Right at the feet of proposed Vrindavan Chandrodaya Mandir, the world’s tallest upcoming Krishna temple




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